Golden torus Fibonacci knots: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "Category:code Category:povray Category:torus knot {{taxonMathematic|torus|torus knot}} {{taxonQERef|torus|torus knot}} <pre class="crt-screen" style="width:600px;"> // Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File // File: // POV-Ray Vers: 3.7 RC7 win64 // Desc: Polyphase 13:8 torus knot group w/ colored halves (bifilar). // Auth: DonEMitchell -- a electrified knot group f...")
(Replaced content with "Category:code Category:povray Category:torus knot {{taxonMathematic|torus|torus knot}} {{taxonQERef|torus|torus knot}} == GTFK Phase Groups == <gallery widths=200px> File:Golden torus Fibonacci knot 3-phase 13-8.png|13:8, 3-phase </gallery>")
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{{taxonQERef|torus|torus knot}}
{{taxonQERef|torus|torus knot}}

<pre class="crt-screen" style="width:600px;">
== GTFK Phase Groups ==
<gallery widths=200px>
// Persistence of Vision Ray Tracer Scene Description File
File:Golden torus Fibonacci knot 3-phase 13-8.png|13:8, 3-phase
// File:
// POV-Ray Vers: 3.7 RC7 win64
// Desc: Polyphase 13:8 torus knot group w/ colored halves (bifilar).
// Auth: DonEMitchell -- a electrified knot group fanatic (XenoEngineer)
// Edited: March  9, 2020 Revisited and reorganized for posting at
// Edited: April 21, 2020 --added cylinder knot loop elements.
// Edited: April 22, 2020 for groupkos/dev propagation animation
// Edited:  July 23, 2022 cleaned up for dev wiki posting.
// Date: November 29, 2023 --chiral grouping illustration
// -- HOW TO invoke an animation sequence --
// Put the control-code below into the POV-Ray text-box above the POV-Ray editor 
// (without the comment slashes).
// Or from the menu: Render - Edit settings/Render.
// Then click Run (Alt G). Search POV-Ray help for 'Animation'.
// Or, right-click on the line below, and select "Copy [...] to the command line"
// +SF1 +EF299 +KFI1 +KFF299  +W800 +H600 +A
// The above POV-Ray control code causes POV-Ray to restart this file 299 times,
// creating 299 image frames.
// Each time the animation sequence runs, a variable named 'clock' is advanced
// from zero to one (0-1). 
// The clock variable is used below to modulate parameters affecting the rendering.
// Note: POV-Ray does not generate an animated GIF, which is done with external utility.
#version 3.7;
#include ""
global_settings {
    max_trace_level 10 // Reflection levels before blackness. 
    assumed_gamma 1.2
    charset utf8
    // Used in global_settings, sets an overall brightness/ambient light level in the scene
    ambient_light color rgb <1,1,1> * .5
#default{ finish{ ambient .5 diffuse 0.5 }}
sky_sphere{ pigment { gradient <-1,1,-1>
                      color_map { [0.00 rgb <0.6,0.7,0.80>*.2]
                                  [0.35 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>*.2]
                                  [0.65 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>*.2]
                                  [1.00 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>*.2]
                      scale 2       
                    } // end of pigment
//--------------------------- Macros ---------------------------------
// Axes macro: length and radii of axes, and boolean flags to include/exclude axes
#macro axes(length, radii, X, Y, Z)                             
    #if (X) cylinder{ 0, < length,        0,      0>, radii texture { pigment { color rgb  < .75,-.1,-.1    > }}} #end //  X axis, red   
    #if (X) cylinder{ 0, <-length,        0,      0>, radii texture { pigment { color rgbt <  1,  0,  0, .6 > }}} #end // -X axis red translucent -adjust xmit                                                         
    #if (Y) cylinder{ 0, <      0,  length/2,      0>, radii texture { pigment { color rgb  < -.1, .75,-.1    > }}} #end //  Y axis, green   
    #if (Y) cylinder{ 0, <      0, -length/2,      0>, radii texture { pigment { color rgbt <  0, .8,  0, .6 > }}} #end //  Y axis, green translucent
    #if (Z) cylinder{ 0, <      0,        0,  length>, radii texture { pigment { color rgb  <  0,  0,  2    > }}} #end //  Z axis, Blue   
    #if (Z) cylinder{ 0, <      0,        0, -length>, radii texture { pigment { color rgbt <  .1, .1, .4, .6 > }}} #end // -Z axis blue translucent   
#end //macro axes()
#macro torusKnotBifilar(objectBifilarA, objectBifilarB, objLugA, objLugB, radiusConductor, radiusConnector, major, minor, poloid, toroid, polyphase, delta)   
        // Render objectBifilarA and B as connector lugs
        object{objLugA translate x*(major+minor+radiusConnector*0)}
        // Render a objectBifilarB as a connector lug
        object{objLugB translate -x*(major+minor+radiusConnector*0)}
        // Draw both bifilar objects in one loop from zero through 180 degrees.
        #local  n  = 0;                            // n Is the while loop index.
        // The clock variable modulates completion length of while loop to animate propagation of bifilar halves.
        #while (n <= (180 * poloid * clock))        // Loop positive 180 degrees, and draw the objectBifilarB, below, looping the negative 180.
            #local phaz = n * toroid/poloid;        // Divide out poloid (multiplied already into n) to obtain toroidal rotation.
            // 1st Bifilar half as objectBifilarA
            #if( 01 )
                object{ objectBifilarA
                    // Move the objectBifilar away from the origin on the X axis by the minor radius.
                    translate  x*minor
                    // Toroidally rotate objectBifilar around Z axis in the XY plane.
                    rotate <0,0,phaz>
                    // Move the rotated objectBifilar the distance of the major radius in the X-axis.   
                    translate x*major
                    // Rotate the object about the center Y axis of the torus.                                   
                    rotate y*n
            #if( 01 )
                object{ objectBifilarB
                    // Move the objectBifilar away from the origin on the X axis by the minor radius.
                    translate  x*minor
                    // Toroidally rotate objectBifilar around Z axis in the XY plane.
                    rotate <0,0,phaz>
                    // Move the rotated objectBifilar the distance of the major radius in the X-axis.   
                    translate x*major
                    // Rotate the object about the center Y axis of the torus.                                   
                    rotate y*n
                    rotate y*180
            // Counter-toroid
            #if( 0 )
                object{ objectBifilarA
                    // Move the objectBifilar away from the origin on the X axis by the minor radius.
                    translate  x*minor
                    // Toroidally rotate objectBifilar around Z axis in the XY plane.
                    rotate <0,0,-phaz>
                    // Move the rotated objectBifilar the distance of the major radius in the X-axis.   
                    translate x*major         
                    // Rotate the object about the center Y axis of the torus.                                   
                    rotate y*n
            // 2nd Bifilar half as objectBifilarB (counter-toroid and counter-poloid rotations)
            #if( 0 )
                object{ objectBifilarB
                    // Move the objectBifilar away from the origin on the X-axis by the minor radius.
                    translate  x*minor
                    // Toroidally Counter-rotate objectBifilarB around Z-axis in the XY-plane.
                    rotate <0,0,-phaz>
                    // Move the rotated objectBifilar the distance of the major radius in the X-axis.   
                    translate x*major
                    // Counter-rotate the objectBifilarB about the center Y-axis of the torus.                                   
                    rotate -y*n
                    rotate -y*(180)                                       
                    translate  x*(radiusMinor + radiusMajor)
                    rotate y*90
                    texture { pigment{rgbt<1,1,0,.0975>} }
                    translate  x*(radiusMinor + radiusMajor)
                    rotate -y*90
                    texture { pigment{rgbt<1,1,0,.0975>} }
            #local n = n + delta;
        #end // while
        rotate y*polyphase // Rotate the completed knot to its phase-angle about the torus center Y-axis.
    } // end union
#end // macro torusKnotBifilar()
// ----------------- Optics --------------------
camera {
    //location    <2*27-27*clock,8,0>
    location    z*28
    look_at    y*0
    angle      58
    sky        y
    right      x*image_width/image_height
// general light definition
light_source {
  <15, 10, 10>          // position of the light source
  color rgb 1.0*3     // color of the light
// ---------------- Scene ------------------------
// 13/8        = 1.625
// Phi        = 1.6180339887498948482045868343656
// Difference  = 1.625 - Phi
// Difference  = 0.00696601125010515179541316563436
// Torus knot parameters (loop/twist) //
#declare poloid = 3;
#declare toroid = 2;
//#declare poloid = 12 + 1*clock; // clock sequences from 0 to 1
//#declare toroid =  8;
#declare phaseCount  = 1;
// Delta as increment between objects tracing torus loop in the torus knot macro.
// The knot is a string of overlapping spheres. Delta sets the separation.
#declare plotDelta      = .05;
// Torus dimensions
// Torus parameters and knot ratio (winding number) construct a 'golden orthogonal (ish) Fibonacci torus knot' (GOFTK)
// FTK: Neighboring Fibonacci-sequence numbers (1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21...)
// Poloidal rotations = Fn+1
// Toroidal rotations = Fn
// Torus knot ratio: (Fn+1)/(Fn) = golden ratio (almost)  --The knot ratio approximates Phi = 13/8 = 1.6025
#declare Phi = pow(5,.5) * .5 + .5;    // Upper case Phi = 1.618...
#declare PhiIndex  =  4;              // Set the radix of Phi for the major radius.
// Calculate orthogonal major/minor radii.
#declare radiusMajor    =            pow(Phi, PhiIndex    );
#declare radiusMinor    = radiusMajor-pow(Phi, PhiIndex - 4 ); // Four degrees of Phi smaller.
#declare ySquash        = 1;
#declare radiusConnector = .75;
#declare radiusConductor = .15;
#declare showConnectors  = 0;
#declare showQuadrantConnectors  = 0;
// Toggle parts of the scene.
#declare showBaseTorus  =  10;
#declare showTorusKnots  =  01;
#declare showAxes        =  0;
#declare axesRadius      =  0.1;
#declare colorA = Green*.5;
#declare colorB = Orange*.5;
// Center objects on the origin for passing to the macro
#declare objA            =  sphere{0, radiusConductor  texture{pigment{color colorA}}};
#declare objB            =  sphere{0, radiusConductor  texture{pigment{color colorB}}};
#declare objLugA =  sphere{ 0, radiusConnector  texture{pigment{color colorA }} }
#declare objLugB =  sphere{ 0, radiusConnector  texture{pigment{color colorB }} }
    // Bifilar torus knots.   
        #local phaseAngle = 360/phaseCount;
        #local j = 0;  // While-loop index
        // Render multiple bifilar phases rotated apart by multiples of phaseAngle //
            #while(j < phaseCount)
            // Call torus knot macro
            // torusKnotBifilar ( objA, objB, objLugA, objLugB, radiusConductor, radiusConnector, major,      minor,      poloid, toroid, polyphase,    delta)
                torusKnotBifilar ( objA, objB, objLugA, objLugB, radiusConductor, radiusConnector, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, poloid, toroid, j*phaseAngle, plotDelta)               
              //object{torusKnotBifilar ( objA, objB, objLugA, objLugB, radiusConductor, radiusConnector, radiusMajor, radiusMinor, poloid, toroid, j*phaseAngle, plotDelta) rotate -y*90}
                #declare j = j + 1; // Increment loop index
            scale y*ySquash
    #end // Moebius bifilar torus knots.   
        torus{ radiusMajor,radiusMinor *.9994
              texture { pigment{rgbt<1,1,0,.985>} }
              //texture { pigment{rgbt<1,1,1,.07> } } 
              scale y*ySquash
        axes(radiusMajor+radiusMinor*1.0, axesRadius,1,1,1)
} // end scene union{}

Latest revision as of 08:21, 18 December 2023


GTFK Phase Groups