Redundant simplicity of the butterfly hunter device: Difference between revisions

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  ''Quasi Axiomatic Theory'' analysis engine is named: '''''Concurrence Matrix'''''
  ''Quasi Axiomatic Theory'' analysis engine is named: '''''Concurrence Matrix'''''

  The Concurrence Matrix (CMx) is plural matrices, with concurrence implying a minimum simultaneous duality.  The CMx supports any number of time-synchrounous measurement events, as can be recorded as a tabulated data record.   
  The Concurrence Matrix (CMx) is plural matrices, with concurrence implying a minimum simultaneous duality.  The CMx supports any number of time-synchrounous measurement events, as can be recorded as a tabulated data record for post-measurement analysis.   

  In prototype versions, a CSV file format holding the data for loading into a concurrence matrix would be a data measurement of multiple data streams (telemetry data channels, e.g.).  Each row of the CSV file (comma separated values as text) represents measurements taken at the same moment in time, per each of some number of measurements recorded simultaneously.
  In prototype versions, a CSV file format holding the data for loading into a concurrence matrix would be a data measurement of multiple data streams (telemetry data channels, e.g.).  Each row of the CSV file (comma separated values as text) represents measurements taken at the same moment in time, per each of some number of measurements recorded simultaneously.

Latest revision as of 17:44, 15 October 2023

Earlier, the next five paragraphs made sense in a redundant way

The combinatorics of value categories measured in a sample of two data streams as implemented in the Quasi Axiomatic Theory (and Paradigm) is the Cartesian product of the unique values of each the two data stream samples —as unique values that do exist within the time-period of sampled data.

The new Quasi Artifactual Intelligence in development is based on a tertiary branching structure, that laces together every datum with linking structures in comparative rank of datum values, and a third linking structure of all equivalent values linked as a list.

Two of these data structures comprise one dimension of QAT analysis, as the platform that supports emergent processing (a 1990s era Soviet primogenitor of machine learning principles).

One locus for machine learning of categorical coincidence perception between dual data streams is afforded by one pair of trinary structures.

Machine learning applied to the dual trinary structures (of the QuasiMatrix affords a sensory channel of inter-channel concurrency perception on a spectrum of concurrence frequency within the dual channels of the data sample.

But now sense-making and the length of my telomeres are approaching a singularity

The emergent processing of the QuasiMatrix, realized as a value concurrency log hit-test table of pairs, is believed by logic to simplify extremely. The Pairs table is an expansion of the two Atoms and Links cross-column indices, but has always been performed by the DARPA proof, examples online, even the AI, by using code examples that expanded a category, to uncategorize the elements into an original list.

As a humble XenoEngineer, it is as if the whole category approach was unnecessary. It is as if the QAT proof, proved something more fundamental, dressed up as if the category theory was the proof. And the category theory may have proven math theory...

But the underlying principles are shadowing something defined with synchronous time and random time to reveal regularity in noise over time.

The woodworker's conjecture

The Quasi Axiomatic Theory is more perfectly realized as a simultaneity detector —and when the neuroprogramming of the original implementation of the QAT wears off, the simplicity is in there smiling back with this innocent alien face.

The build up —there is no need to categorize and then uncategorize to create a weighted mapping of what-existed when... (this is good) it only recreates the original data log. And that data log was added in memory to do the cat/un-cat. It's almost painful, cringe worthy. Redundant simplicity of the tabula rasa of QAT to a concurrence prism is as follows.

Just look at the log of the data. The data exists. Test the log for concurrence.

But of course I immediately begin suffering conjecturer's remorse... It's about the random numbers of the QAT algorithms. These random numbers need another dive into the antique VB6 code barn.

'XenoEngineer —research and development by a talking simian 00:22, 18 August 2023 (UTC)

Here's the skinny that needs another look into the code proof... The random selections in tight iterations are of categories, or unique values. The random selection per atom, and per link columns of the QAT are each a selection from categories of data values, which have no weight of occurrence per data stream.

The clustering is toward frequency-weighted concurrence.

There's a principle talking — it's not loud enough to hear, so stay tuned... the visual abstraction development is working to 'see' what's going on with this concurrence regularity.

Please stand by.

 Let your mind flow dear Human.  Imagine an N-dimensional concurrency prism. 

Move this somewhere dear human

The Perceptorium is the 'sensory reality' of a well evolved quasiArtifactualIntelligence

The Perceptorium is to the AI what the Imaginarium is to the human.

Veni, vidi, vici!

XenoEngineer —research and development by a talking simian 10:21, 29 August 2023 (UTC)

With the QAT redevelopment dust having settled, a new nomenclature is realized

The quasi axiomatic theory is left in history, as the new engine is realized as a concurrence detector of any number of data streams, simultaneously.

New Millennium Nomenclature

Quasi Axiomatic Theory analysis engine is named: Concurrence Matrix
The Concurrence Matrix (CMx) is plural matrices, with concurrence implying a minimum simultaneous duality.  The CMx supports any number of time-synchrounous measurement events, as can be recorded as a tabulated data record for post-measurement analysis.  
In prototype versions, a CSV file format holding the data for loading into a concurrence matrix would be a data measurement of multiple data streams (telemetry data channels, e.g.).  Each row of the CSV file (comma separated values as text) represents measurements taken at the same moment in time, per each of some number of measurements recorded simultaneously.
Concurrency between multiple channels is 'served' to Monte Carlo algorithms, specifically the esoteric scatter-gather mapping (Prueitt-Mitchell, 2000) applied to simultaneity-densities, which stratify occurrence dynamics, topographically (on a randomized-gather mapping). (Ref.: Quasi Axiomatic Theory)
"With analysis of time-line events using concurrency dynamics, the ontological now becomes a database; the world becomes an ontology." 19:46, 21 September 2023 (UTC)

XenoEngineer —research and development by a talking simian 19:46, 21 September 2023 (UTC)