Field Array Alienesque Design Principles: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 16:47, 8 December 2023

Alien innocence.png

Quantum Emergence   a guide to alienesque UAP physics (With pictures!)

Field Array Alienesque Design Principles

As the magnetic density wave, a moving pattern of flux-density change, travels across the donut surface, a magic velocity, tuned by the mind that experiences the magic coupling with the nucleosonic moment of a bismuth matter lattice, filling the interior walls of the copper tubing.

XenoEngineering note:  As a species of talking simian, us homies have the ability, an inherent acuity of mind, to sense the information stream that is the information stream of our very mind link of our brain 'tuned' into our cosmic mind, animating the entire affair of living.

  Quantum Emergence  — a time lens development KOS © 2023-24