Quantum Emergence.First Contact.Far Out

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Alien innocence.png

Quantum Emergence   a guide to alienesque UAP physics (With pictures!)

DALL·E 2023-09-12 14.01.01-An 8 year old boy, a child geek, straddling a bicycle, watching the sky, freeing a convalescent hawk watching an alien light ship materialize.png

Far out of town on a bicycle, nearing the logging woods, the mission of the eight year old was to return his friend to where he found it weeks earlier with a broken wing.

Mental imagery:

Nostalgic ambience, bicycle, innocence, rescue, bravery, fulfillment, peak moment, intent child, single minded, white lab smock, pocket protector, thick glasses, future mad scientist, releasing convalesced hawk, cosmic event

  Quantum Emergence  — a time lens development KOS © 2023-24