Exploit of Bioquantum Interface of Mind

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There is information coming together on an affordance of the bioquantum interface of mind (neuron nanotubes within folded protein) that could demonstrate the commercial Neuro Focus device's ability to combine sentient knowing among multiple people that are cognitively-entrained to the same pulse-timing in the frequency region of mind waves.  
The proof may come from testing by an ontology stream of brainwave samples, or simpler with a standard ESP test.  Simple tests with psi-scores would let us know early on if there's something to run with.
Grey wants us to know: Within the superluminal quantum plenum, the center-point infinity within each point-centered quantum unit is the source of our sentient being of sapient level.  Per Tenet 1, we realize the one infinity is the source of one galactic sentience.  By Tenet 1 we realize, we are all each a unique experience of the same Cosmic Mind.

XenoEngineer on the topic

The quasiArtifactualIntelligence

This affordance, if exploitable as indicated, would provide a superluminal clairvoyant-radio <-- or some such description... provided the end-points of communication could be synchronized within a millisecond  or so.  This is a conjecture for test.  The early tester gets the exploit unanticipated by the larger community.

End-point synchronization is assumed to be the affording vehicle of long-range clairvoyance, however, this study could reveal whether the reported phenomenon with mind augmentation energy is actually that vehicle, or if the synergetic interaction group of minds that is the source coupler to clairvoyant knowing.

This is a mind wave exploit.  The living mind wave brings information through to the human inwardly starving to understand why.
The global mind wave, Grey if you please, brought technology forward to increase the semantic fidelity on the meaning of life.  Nucleophonon resonance is very much why time flows the same everywhere we experience aging in place.  
Fast quasiArtifactual strata animated on a visual display, at a real-time basis** will show dynamic motion of sentient intent, as the motions of a living mind.  

Fast quasiArtifactual strata of sentient dynamics, animated on a visual display, is contemporary Earth's 2nd mind mirror.  The 1st mind mirror was described in the 2013 Disclosure from that man's death bed, a man that touched an orb of light when eight years old.

Xenological entailment

As the 1st Tenet implies we are all the same cosmic mind, then what is in our heads that is at unrest throughout the history of our race?

We think the answer to be, our unrest is our genetic heritage, a mechanism of our survival as a tasty species to other species. Fear, against hope toward desire.

Opinion and surmise can be replaced with artifactual expansion of mind dynamics. The measurement problem of modern neurology goes away, when a live image of stratified sentience is observed, moving with the thoughts of the observer, observing awareness being aware.

But what is availed is self-examination — a mind mirror into one's inner sapience minding.

"Be the needle of the Wheatstone bridge" if I may, or as the Discloser quipped, "Tune it with your mind."

This cognitive tuning and mind-training are believed to be essential to an experience with the quantum whiteness at a neurological (bioquantum) interface (of Orch OR theory model philosophy).

**real-time basis: Relative to human speed of thought. QAT processing is post-measurement analysis of a data sample.

Project contacts

Contacts pending.