Quantum Emergence.References

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Parallels of reckoning

Jesus of Nazareth was rooted in the ancient Vedas, taught by Brahman priests

My person, as XenoEngineer, is most happy to discover this Vedic connection late in the twenty some year quest to accomplish a revelation of imagineering seemingly guided outside my awareness.

The common people loved him because he lived in peace with the lower castes and explained to them the scriptures - just like Buddha - while the members of the Brahmins and warrior caste kept reminding him that this was forbidden. 
In general, over time it became more and more difficult for Jesus to follow the polytheistic Brahmanic interpretations of the Vedas, and he vehemently expressed his own spiritual understanding, which corresponded to that of (at that time) monotheistic Buddhism: 

„The Eternal Spirit (Cosmic Consciousness) is the only and indivisible soul (virtual intelligence) of the universe, and it is this soul alone that creates, contains and animates everything.“ 
That’s also exactly what the Vedas say!

And while the members of the lower castes admired Jesus for his Buddha-like worldview, the Brahmins finally sent their servants to kill the revolutionary young preacher.

 Knopke, Cristian . The authentic teaching of Jesus Christ (pp. 2-3). Kindle Edition.

The Gospel of Thomas