Quantum Emergence.Vision Orb
Quantum Emergence a guide to alienesque UAP physics (With pictures!)
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A warm male presence behind my left shoulder offered encouragment to leave the dark room through the door.
A pride having built the orb of glowing green-golden plasma tendriles, moving as it were to their own volition, brought a hesitation when the warm presence encouraged me to share holding it.
Viewing again into the motions of the beautiful tendrils of light, the motions were realized as the motions of my mind, while viewing this orb's motions within.
With the realization also came time to hand off the orb, as encouraged. We had stepped from the darkness into the back door of a restaurant. Everyone stood. Looking up from the deep mental coupling with the mirror to my mind, the room of standing people were too in deep coupling to the aura of compliance that filled the room in the presence of the orb.
Our presence in the room shared a fellowship of sentience, a commonality of spirit, a calming acceptance without exception.
We were each alive with the same singular source mind of the cosmos. We were of compliant essence of sentience.
Quantum Emergence
— a time lens development KOS
© 2023-24