Field Array Power Unit

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Quantum Emergence   a guide to alienesque UAP physics (With pictures!)

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Field Array Power Unit

The prototype unit involving quantum enhanced field effect transistors; a.k.a., quantum FET's faster than any speeding bullet.

Design toward the power load of a toaster, around a kilowatt. A convenient power conversion transformer in the kilowatt range is a microwave oven transformer (MOT)), available at most alien engineering outlets, when wired backwards will produce a heavy amperage to drive heavy current to magnetize heavy windings of the prototype field array.

The superluminal version follows, versioned by the data we collect from the prototype.

The prototype series is increased to more phases by adding more of the same knot windings, as additional phases of the sequence, increasing step rate needed to achieve tangential velocity of the magnetic density wave that will be sequenced by the power feed into the Field Array.

The purpose of the Field Array is to behave as an algorithmically controlled magnetic density wave resonator.

Bismuth and copper are separated by several orders of magnitude in their NMR response, and the copper will remain largely unaffected by the same pulse frequencies that invoke nuclear resonance in the bismuth of the metamaterial cladding.

The bismuth is also several orders removed in resistance, having little wattage draw compared to copper even in direct contact along its length.

Array bias current affecting nuclear spin precession frequency

The power output of the B0 current supply is adjustable, and vintage techniques are in vogue, to avoid injecting stray periodic noise into the oscillator by a chopper-style supply, even though more efficiency. This supplies currents to a laboratory device, not consumer electronics.

Prototype Field Array Power Unit notes

Pass Transistor: This is the most common term used to describe a transistor that is controlled by a voltage regulator to increase the current handling capability of the regulator.

Boost Transistor: This term is sometimes used to describe a transistor that is added to a circuit to increase its current handling capability.

Current Boosting: This term describes the general technique of adding a transistor to a circuit to increase its current handling capability.

Ballast Transistor: This term is less common but is sometimes used to describe a transistor used in this way.

Helper Transistor: This term is also used occasionally to describe a transistor that is added to a circuit to help carry the load current.

An audio-range power transistor, such as the 2N3055, can be handsomely ganged on an aluminum heatsink, reminiscent of the back side of a power audio amp of an electric guitar.

The current regulation is via programmable potentiometers used to adjust voltage control points in the common linear power regulator circuit.

The programmable potentiometers get their control level from an Arduino in the Power Unit, connected to the control console for the system via a virtual com port on a USB cable.

Ventilation of the Power Unit project box is required for heat sink and transformer cooling, especially under heavy load operation.

The regulated current level supplied to the Field Array will control the magnetic flux density experienced by the bismuth of the cu/bi laminate metamaterial.

The B1 current pulses romancing step-phase rotating system states

The current level and timing of the B1 NMR activating pulse train is the timing of higher-energy current pulses injected into the field coil, on a rotating pattern at the frequency of the bismuth NMR for the current level of B0 bias flux.

Signal isolation

Randomly driven regularity detection within the entire randomity of the timing variation of the inherently noisy ring oscillator (The Field Array), entrained into the local space-timing with an inductive near field acting as the phase-space coupling energy.

This is comic spook tech, retrieved from gone forever from the mind of one former Soviet cyber war specialist by a an American triple Ph.D. This 1.8 billion USD algorithm (paid in 2001 Dollars), puts a perceptive resolution on the womb of the atom.

For the womb of each atom cradles the same infinity, joining each our minds into the cosmic sentience of the superluminal quantum plenum. Grey can explain more comic detail.

In a laughing orgasm of IP syncopation with the mind of Grey, the time lens is obviously understood in comic proportion in subsequent cliffe hanger episodes.

Control theory

As a nucleo-phonon of the NMR grips the wobble period of the nuclear roll center, so to speak, i.e, the periodics of the mass-apparent of the mass-bound quantum units of the nucleus will begin to accumulate influence in the coupling constant of the B1 power injectors. Commit this secret word-picture encoding to memory, and bla bla bla. It's about Einstein, Cartan and Znidarsic if one were to track down references in the corpus, perhaps. Meanwhile, back in the rabbit hole...

Basically, the controls will evolve with the understanding developed with the operation of the prototype Field Array system design.

Available for analysis support is XenoEngineering IP, to be developed as a visual abstraction of multiple synchronous measurements, striated by frequency of simultaneity, per unit of frequency resolution, as measured. This 'QuasiAI' system controller is spawned in name from the encounter of groupKOS with the brave mission of Dascient Analytics, circa 2023.

In the parlance of machine learning, the parameters that afford algorithmic control, taken as a set, together, provide the causal model for 'training' by iterations of modeling scenarios, which amount to a set of binary numbers in the Field Array QuasiAI concurrence matrix. This so called 'causal set' of parameters of the system components that are repeated by phase-count as a circular array, are under the control of the 'well-trained-outputs' of a pre-trained machine intelligence that can see things in the chaos of the system timing of arrayed events. This development of a process toward machine intelligence training on an arrayed oscillator near RADAR frequencies is assumed to be 'hire-able engineering skills' if not at the present then soon.

System complexity is reduced greatly when the QuasiAI paradigm is ported to a digital abstraction, and analysis is of two or more digital numbers as simple integers considered as a moment of time in a log of measurements.

System component count is reduced severely with the adoption of a ring oscillator system, and the inherent noise (FM) within the signal (edge jitter, technically) will (premise) have embedded within it the artifacts of the quantum nature.

Conjecture: Advanced alien mind 'sees' more in the artifacts of quantum nature than do we talking simians, us humans

The design goal of the QuasiAI analysis system, is to visualize what the aliens 'see' about reality that allow them to control the natural forces. The goal will be to visual a dynamic coupling with the nucleosonic period of the time line of the topological now.

As a Grey trainee may say

This design goal is a harmonic coupling with the center point of reality... which center point is distributed within the womb of every atom, within every quantum unit with a center point... the inner infinity and same infinity, and medium of self in the cosmic scheme of being.

In real world power eGaN pulse magnetic phased array design as reverse-engineered to date, ( circa 12:50, 30 September 2023 (UTC))

This harmonic coupling will be driven, by design, by a traveling magnetic density wave, moving at a magic velocity, so to speak, that invokes the harmonic coupling of what quantum periodical dynamics may answer said wave motion.

This precise step-phase travel vector is orthogonal to the travel direction of conduction electrons in a fixed copper coil (laminated as a metamaterial of layers with bismuth), wound in the smooth shape of a torus knot as a helix on a donut, numbering with other helices as each element as a member of a phased array. This interphase connection is hugely simplified by the ring oscillator approach, which is essentially consists of multiple two-input power-inverters in an ring, operating at near radar frequencies to inject current into nearly a dead short. By the way, this is exactly what W. B. Smith did when he claimed the creation of a temporal resonance upon a few inches of #14 solid copper wire wound as a Caduceus winding on a hollow ferrite tube. Smith put over a kilowatt of energy on a few inches of solid copper, at radio frequencies (using A.M. radio gear of the 1950s).

This prototype Field Array is crude, like W. B. Smith's 'tensor beam coil' design, but with a bit more savvy to the propagation speed of a magnetic density wave in the overall design simplification that seems to be unique for that cause.

Further design concept elaboration is found in a ChatGPT 4.0 dialog: Ancient Vedas The AI chat does not touch upon the B0 NMR bias current which grips the copper windings on the donut in nuclear precession, susceptible to B1 magnetic pulse streams.

Mind-to-time-lens biocosmic control interface

  • Stay tuned for future issues.
  • Place your order early in the waiting list (this open source is not for sale or designed for profit, the phrase is neuroprogramming your brain) for the through-brain-current version of the mind-wave augmentation technology disclosed in detail at an Exotic Technology 2000 conference (a TES device feeding randomized square waves between earlobes).
  • The TES experience begins another FGE to domesticate the talking simian, in preparation for meeting the mind of the universe within without tearing a hole in the universe, so to speak —at least not rip the continuity of the light of mind (do not fear the black stuff because it is a mental projection of the observer and can result in ).
  • The way XenoEngineer puts it, "The Field array couples with the cosmic plenum and entrains our entire neurology into an amplified reality of our inner higher being. The comical one."
  • The potential for things to occur not as anticipated is strong throughout rabbit hole endeavors.

  Quantum Emergence  — a time lens development KOS © 2023-24