Quantum Emergence.Psience of Mind

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Quantum Emergence   a guide to alienesque UAP physics (With pictures!)

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Premises of talking simians

We survive death
We predate birth
We are a cosmic mind having an Earth experience
Neurology is a transceiver of cosmic source-mind, animating our corporeal bodies, until we return to source.
As suggested by the bio-quantum design of living cell protein nanotubes, source mind exists within the superluminal quantum plenum, and the experience of living is by having a 'live' coupling of neurology with source cosmic sentience.
And as information within the quantum plenum realm  is everywherewhen, this inferes that the signal of the quantum realm that animates life is the same singular signal accessed by any certain cell of the body. 
That is, every cell of the body is alive as a bioquantum tranceiver, animated by the same signal at the same time for any certain cell, anywhere.
Therefore, by natural reckoning, the signal of mind in the quantum plenum is a temporaneous sequence. 
Our mind exists as a signal over time, and does not exist at any one point in time.
We are an FM modulation in the randomity of the universal chaos of the superluminal quantum plenum —we are a rainbow in the whiteness of the quantum plenum.


  Quantum Emergence  — a time lens development KOS © 2023-24