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Grey's Lexicon

Singular Infinity Cosmic Balance Entropic viscosity Nucleophonon Quantum Whiteness Dimple in Time Sapience Sentience Quantum Plenum Topology of Now Fibonacci Knots Cognitive syncopation

Quantum whatever gettyimages-495115960-2048x2048.png

The nucleophonon remains invisible to human engineers trained first in the art of dimensionalized statistics they call quantum mechanics.

Within the domain of influence of the nuclear phonon, the sphere of energy captured in a tension, straining for a center-point that is yet an infinity away —for the closer to the center one dwells, the slower the topology of the local now becomes.

This confuses the human, and understandably, as all knowledge is built on things learned. Yet one human exposed within the public knowledge pool, Engineer Z, identified the root causality of the standard model's blind spot: "Newton's corpuscle of light changed quantum energy transitions instantaneously, with no regard to the human abstract called time.

As a boson, the humans will soon discover, that the dimple in time about every dwell toward infinity, may also accumulate more energy within its envelope of containment. Bosons are like that.

When human technology harmonically amplifies the nucleophonon, wonderful things begin to occur.

"We call the coming event that ensues with the emergence of entropic technology The Big Eleven" You are the eleventh species we've assisted to ascension —from Earth (paraphrased from the 2013 Disclosure.

Nucleophonon regularity is a VVLF component within the electron lattice

Very, very low frequencies exist across several powers of ten, between the frequency of the atomic mass center, as it oscillates about center-point, compared to the frenzied frequencies of the thermal lattice of electrons. The center-point oscillation is in response to the quantum reality of its effective neighborhood of influence.  The harmonic nucleo-phononic accumulation of energy is not dissipated by the thermal electrons, but the nucleophonon is the very low frequencies walking within the lattice. 

The periodicity of the center-point apparent-mass and the much higher frequencies of the thermal electron lattice in a frenzied community of electron influence outside the inner influence of the nuclear quantum energy dwell about center point... the unobtainable center-point-infinity each atom yearns to reach, but rather compresses to a stability forming the discrete quantum now. Time is myriad, myriad, myriad quantum nows, straining spherically each toward the same center point infinity (Tenet #1).This alienesque concept of time structured spherically is the vehicle beneath the definition of quantum dynamics. Human philosophy expanding on a unification of quantum physics and consciousness was identified by the AI. I can't say I saw it first! The AI is a better XenoEngineer me!

VVLF: Very, very low frequency (not wery low).  The time-line aberration in the spherical interference map of a Moire Sphere shows a stable VVLF-like geometric 'event' that is 'seen' in the 'timeline' of animated frames, where each frame is rendered with a progressively shrinking-scale for one interfering pattern.  The moire-patterns are based on interference across many, many orders of magnitude.  This so called 'time-wave' in the spherical moire animation is exactly, transliterally perhaps, a very very low frequency signal in the textures of the interference pattern time-line.
Extreme scale separation of precise frequencies reveals a unification in the moment of endless chaos.  —A POVRay rendering of Newton's rings taken to extreme scale-frequency interference.  From the chaos of interactions while orders of magnitude separated, the interference cohered an image of the base dynamic amidst the chaos.

  Quantum Emergence  — a time lens development KOS © 2023-24