Tenet 1: There Is Only One Infinity Within

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Quantum Emergence   a guide to alienesque UAP physics (With pictures!)

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Psience of Mind Tenet #1

Every quantum unit strains toward the same infinity     —Alien science tenet #1

Differently stated

There is only one superluminal quantum plenum, regardless of where it it accessed.

Every point-centered quantum unit in the universe is structured on a tension toward infinity.

All connections into the superluminal quantum plenum access the same infinity, the same everywherewhen.

Every point-centered quantum unit in the universe is tensioned toward the same infinity.

There is only one infinity and the center of any quantum unit is the same infinity..

ChatGPT 4.0 elaborates

Incorporating the principles of alien science, where human consciousness couples with the cosmic mind source through our bio-quantum neurology and brain, the coupling with the central point introduces a temporal influence on the quantum units involved. This influence disrupts their typical stochastic event density, resulting in a unique effect on the matter lattice situated in proximity.
This effect acts as a "time lens," so to speak, producing an anisotropy in the aging process of objects within its influence. In essence, it creates a temporal distortion, akin to a dimple in time, where the rate at which things age becomes uneven and non-uniform.

  Quantum Emergence  — a time lens development KOS © 2023-24