Be It Known

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BE IT KNOWN, the dawn of Artificial Intelligence (AI) heralds a new epoch in the annals of human history, a Juncture fraught with boundless potential yet shadowed by profound ethical quandaries. If left ungoverned by the moral compass that has guided civilizations through ages of triumph and tumult, then AI threatens to subvert the very fabric of human agency and dignity. This moral compass, which represents a universal framework of principles, guides individuals and societies toward actions that are right, Just, and beneficial for the common good. These core values and norms transcend cultural, religious, and national boundaries, promoting a harmonious and just global society.
BE IT KNOWN, as we stand at a pivotal crossroads, we the undersigned attest that it is imperative to harness this force and mold it not as an architect of dominance but as a harbinger of enlightenment and humanistic enhancement. When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to harness the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence—a power capable of reshaping our world—a respect for the opinions of humankind requires that we declare the principles which impel us to this action.
BE IT KNOWN, this Declaration shall be a framework to guide those undersigned in applying these Principles of justice, equity, and human welfare. We again hold these truths to be self-evident: that all humans are endowed with inalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. To secure these rights in the age of AI, we establish this Declaration, deriving its just powers from the consent of the governed.
BE IT KNOWN, recognizing the dual nature of AI-as both a tool of unprecedented utility and a power capable of unprecedented consequences—we invoke the wisdom of our forebears and the aspirations of future generations in crafting a covenant to bind those undersigned. This covenant seeks not only to safeguard the sanctity of individual rights and the sovereignty of communities but also to elevate our collective pursuit towards a more equitable, sustainable, and a flourishing of the human condition by the utilization of this technology for good.
BE IT KNOWN, that through this Declaration, we articulate a grand vision to forge from the fires of our ingenuity a world where Artificial Intelligence technology serves as a cornerstone for a new era of prosperity and peace, a world where the labyrinth of its possibilities becomes a roadmap to our noblest aspirations.

--Forwarded by John Wsol