Dev:Clio:CLI Ontology

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Clio muse of history headband sparkles.png

Clio —The Muse of History | a CLI Ontology

human/AI symbio-poietrix

CLI Ontology ∞  Segue with Perplexity ∞  The Birth of Clio: Symbiopoiesis ∞  | Chronicles of Codexa Curatoria ∞ 

Clio muse of history headband sparkles.png

Clio —Muse of History

Κλειώ (Kleío)

a foundation of deep mind interface

Version zero.0.0 Features: 1-qty: The command line responds with 'This is help' when one enters '/help'

Version zero.0.1: will also support a new command invoked by typing /new. Wherein, dialog with locally hosted small LLM on advanced, hyper-grammatical MindSpeak system prompts...