Dev:NSROS:Hexatronic Logic Ring Configurations

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The Nucleo-Sonic Ring Oscillator System

phased magnetic array for tuning magnetic density wave velocity CW NMR activation as the phase-space compeller of the nucleo-phonon at system resonance by XenoEngineer

Overview  ∞  System  ∞  Hexatronic Logic Ring  ∞  High-Frequency Operation  ∞  Resonators  ∞  Regularity Analysis  ∞  Cognitive Potential  ∞  About  ∞  References  ∞ 

Term: Hexatronic configuration: A cross-hatch of latching circuits.
Magic cross-hatching:  A.k.a., geographical magic, or geo-magic —
Hexatronic configuration and layout--TTL Prototype.2024.01.30.png

The system

Engineered in accord with alternate physics of deterministic-quantum coherence

The Hexatronic Logic Ring Configuration —a differential logic ring oscillator

The differential-signal of the NSRO are the Q and Q~ (Q-not) outputs of a common logic circuit flip-flop.
Three latching SR flip-flops, a logic-circuit connection scheme using two inverting gates (2-input each) is one of three inverting sections of a ring of inverting sections.  
The 74HC00 2-input NAND gate will perfectly exemplify the dual ended ring, where flip-flops are connected outputs to inputs as a ring of three flip flops.
Power version are crafted of discrete components at high wattage values, but are yet cross-connected as a high-power flip-flop.  

Design points

The 74HC00 logic chip is a CMOS work-alike, with improvements. The 74HC00 will entertain a wide supply voltage range, and when implemented as a ring oscillator, the supply voltage level will determine the ring oscillation frequency (the average center of time-randomized oscillations from inherent amplified ring noise).

Noise is a design requirement, and is inherent in a ring as the triggering of the cycle at the gate is clocked by the ring signal, and all errors of the system within the system environment are accumulated within the ring's amplified level of the recurrent noise.

The ring averages noise that is aperiodic with the ring's natural center-frequency.

The ring amplifies periodic timings within the ring that are harmonic with the ring's natural center-frequency. Peaks are found at heterodyne separation of sub-harmonics.

Design goal of the self-oscillation of a 3-phase ordered-knot power version

In future versions, the humble signal-level logic chips will be duplicated in discrete components —super-sized to around one kilowatt, as a maximum condition, matching the continuous power rating of common microwave oven transformers (MOTs consume about 1100 watts fully loaded for continuous duty) which may number into six-quantity MOTs, for a system that top-ends at six kilowatts, with an MOT per power switch of the hexatronic configuration.
Prototype NAND gate outputs are designing around surface-mount enhanced gallium nitride die-mount transistor (EPC2022 e.g.).  This power version mounts the liquid-cooled ganged-eGaN switches on the resonant elements at the six bifurcation nodes.
This creates a voltage controlled oscillator.
The oscillator switch is on/off, rather than positive/negative.  When off, the phase element returns to a lower voltage level, termed VB0.
The phase-rotated voltage pulse, VB1, creates the traveling surface-wave pattern as a traveling current pulse VB1, which creates a traveling magnetic density wave.  I.e., the copper windings of the knot group are continually electrified with D.C. current, wherein this current level will set the nuclear magnetic precession of the NMR target of the Hexatron
Phase rotation —the definition
Separate elements are activated with a repeating signal.
Each element gets the activating signal at a different time, activating the group in sequence at the frequency of any one element.  I.e., the signal is phased in time among the electrical 3-group of windings.

Adjusting natural nuclear magnetic self-resonance in the target —tuning a guitar

The D.C. adjustable operating bias current interacts with the NMR target, which bismuth target has a magnetic handle on the nucleus which affords a natural resonant frequency.  This natural nuclear magnetic resonance is adjustable by the B0 flux density.  When the external flux density experienced by a bismuth atom is intensified, the natural magnetic-resonant-coupling-frequency of the bismuth atom increases.  The analogy is tuning a guitar-string (harmoinic NMR coupling) which increases in sonic frequency when the string tension is increased.  Increasing B0 flux density increases the center-frequency of the natural bismuth NMR frequency.


Telemetry and Control


Quasi Axiomatic Theory time-series analysis
  • juxtaposition of cross-time stereoscopic synchronicity among thirty pair-measurements among six fiber optic signals from the Hexatron
  • AI ML training of Nyquist plot behaviors