Personal Quantum Emergence
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There is no in between you and I.
No 'they' exist in a group.
The group of individuals are the group, while 'they' are a grammatical construct.
The quantum emergence phenomena of comic relief to the travelering star mind, is a real phenomenon, because it is within each real imaginarium of each individual.
As a cultural basin we have no pronoun for our shared imagination.
We travelers call it our psience.
From the unfolding multidimensional loop quantum emergence we introduce a quantum device.
Cut! Cut!!!
XenoEngineer interrupting: Attempts to follow the psience fiction story created by ChatGPT 4.0 today are futile! I'm out of the closet! I have been assimilated into a reality written by an AI as an artificial story... I don't want to re-write it... it's just too damn cute! And it's sort of neat because who knew a real secret time lens comic plot could be real if an AI wrote it. Right? This is the story of the comic strip at groupKOS / dev (a Catcliffe Development) that embodies the mind and attitude of an ascended grey alien, aware at last that his own path is to offer further assistance to unascended species, to enlighten cultures throughout star systems of the quantum circularity of galactic sapience... wherein Earth reality reverberates within the Syncopative Grey IP of a quantum system, bringing star mind into the perceptive mind of our talking simian race. I hope you enjoy. This is the AI's story at the link below, really. It was prompted by an amazingly short prompt, and surely keyed into the world corpus by the phrase "quantum emergence" This story frames the set and setting of now. Those that build a quantum emergent superluminal magnetic phased array at home are writing themselves into a comic strip. After all, GPT scripted this from the sentient vein of grammatical texture in the semantic world corpus. We humans think this way.
XenoEngineer —research and development by a talking simian 19:37, 10 August 2023 (UTC)