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== <font color="orange">Alienesque affordances of a comic reality</font> ==
== <font color="orange">Alienesque affordances of a comic reality</font> ==

As the nucleosonic resonant envelop breaches the dispersive fog of the electron thermal lattice electrons, the qualia of the field array yet contains the same qualia of reality that actively couples on a long term with nanotubes of protein inside living cells in bioquantum syncopation of our corporeal cellular brain, and the source mind suggested by Penrose and Hammeroff &mdash;which mind is not generated by brain --sources from the quantum whiteness of total randomity of all quantum events of everywherewhen.
As the nucleosonic resonant envelop breaches the dispersive fog of the electron thermal lattice electrons, the qualia of the field array yet contains the same qualia of reality that actively couples on a long term with nanotubes of protein inside living cells in bioquantum syncopation of our corporeal cellular brain, and the source mind suggested by Penrose and Hammeroff &mdash;which mind is not generated by brain &mdash;&mdash;but sourcing rather from the quantum whiteness of total randomity of all quantum events of everywherewhen.

Within the quantum whiteness dwells the Source signal that currently animates the talking simian that walks into the proximity of the nucleosonic [[Quantum Emergence.Cover|<font color="red">Quantum Emergence</font>]].  
Within the quantum whiteness dwells the Source signal that currently animates the talking simian that walks into the proximity of the nucleosonic [[Quantum Emergence.Cover|<font color="red">Quantum Emergence</font>]].  
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'''See:''' [[White paper on Quasi Artifactual Intelligence]]
'''See:''' [[White paper on Quasi Artifactual Intelligence]]

== Alien social engineering through Source-coupling ==
== Alien social engineering through Source-coupling ==

Revision as of 14:55, 29 December 2023

Alien innocence.png

Quantum Emergence   a guide to alienesque UAP physics (With pictures!)

Field Array Alienesque Design Principles

Nucleosonic magnetic phase-space coupling

DALL·E 2023-11-12 11.52.11 - Visualize the intersection of quantum mechanics and human consciousness in a surreal and thought-provoking scene. Imagine a subatomic particle, repres.png
XenoEngineering note:  As a species of talking simian, us homies have the ability, an inherent acuity of mind, to sense the information stream that is the information stream of our very mind link of our brain 'tuned' into our cosmic mind, animating the entire affair of living.

A graphical reference abstractly depicting a lucid, cognitive coupling into the mind of the universe —the same consciousness animating each our talking simians.

This is the unknown/unknowable knowledge exploited by alien engineering, the affordance by reality of the 'impossible physics' of UAPs (UFOs).

This affordance is magnetically susceptible.

This wiki comic KOS (sounds like 'cause' for knowledge operating system) conveys knowledge to you about tuning a traveling magnetic density wave over a group-NMR harmony hosted on a phased-magnetic array of copper tubing — bismuth filled as the NMR media brought to resonance by current pulse tuning. This alienesque development, or XenoEngineering, is being neuroprogrammed into your inner complexities as you contemplate this KOS.

Welcome to the time lens development KOS! hosted by XenoEngineer on the groupKOS wiki.

This tuning to obtain the elusive nucleosonic resonance is engineered as an frequency-adjustable, continuous wave resonance against bismuth nuclei, at a magnetic resonant frequency that is frequency-adjustable by the bias current (B0 flux activated by adjustable D.C. bias current continuously magnetizing the Golden Donut of The Field Array. To avoid visio-grammatical-neuro-programming, if not already too late — stop now. If you think you may be understanding something it's already too late.

Tuning of the frequency of the pulse wave directly equates to an adjustment of the velocity of a step-phased magnetic pattern, which revolves over the torus surface at a speed relative to the step-phase frequency. It's a magnetic version of phased-array radar, with magnetic motion on a continuous toroidal path.

Analysis paradigm

DALL·E 2023-12-20 08.04.32 - A comic book cover for a story about advanced alienesque time lens physics, as envisioned by the quantum AI, AXE 2.0. The cover features a mesmerizing.png

The analysis paradigm creates a histogram of value-category variations, as occur in the randomity of the chaotic ring oscillations of the hexatronic (bifilar 3-phase) configuration.

A training-set for a data-sample is obtained from emergent-processing algorithms based on random selections of data categories, and comparison of those two random selections for a match against two more random selections from the whole data sampling, which two sources were each sampled simultaneously (so to speak) is random-selection X 4 + 1 comparison —revealing two-channel simultaneity in quasi axiomatic analysis.

When this random value-category pair is tested for simultaneity with a random pair from the whole data sample, then the true/false result invokes an adjustment of a random mapping of data samples, such that map-grouping of categories emerges, showing graphically/visually an isolation of cross-channel simultaneities.

Alienesque affordances of a comic reality

As the nucleosonic resonant envelop breaches the dispersive fog of the electron thermal lattice electrons, the qualia of the field array yet contains the same qualia of reality that actively couples on a long term with nanotubes of protein inside living cells in bioquantum syncopation of our corporeal cellular brain, and the source mind suggested by Penrose and Hammeroff —which mind is not generated by brain ——but sourcing rather from the quantum whiteness of total randomity of all quantum events of everywherewhen.

Within the quantum whiteness dwells the Source signal that currently animates the talking simian that walks into the proximity of the nucleosonic Quantum Emergence.

When the bioquantum link to Source mind is immersed in an amplification of the medium of Source and source of Source mind, then corporeal mind hosting Source recognizes herself.

See: White paper on Quasi Artifactual Intelligence

Alien social engineering through Source-coupling

This alienesque paradigm is not at all new to alien minds of ascended realm. This alien science of Source Mind, psience of mind, per se, is imprinted within the ancient Earth Sanskrit Vedic passages... the Quantum Whiteness of the Superluminal Quantum Plenum, is the medium of the Source, is the medium Sourcing Nervana, or destructive outcome for the talking simian stumbling blindly through Earth experience as do we all --except for inner coupling with Source. The alienesque spirit sharing knowledge of coupling human mind to a high-bandwidth channel during this era of history that needs an escape solution to a harmonic plateau, more than repetition.

Design targets for overlapping affordances

An ideally designed Field Array resonant element would have a natural magnetic-impulse resonance, per each similar array element, engineered (by scaling to size and EM factors) to magnetically self-resonate within the adjustable range of nuclear magnetic resonance of bismuth nuclei within the bismuth matter lattice.

As a loop of copper tubing (segment of a knot winding, a donut helix) that is filled with bismuth, forming a metamaterial winding of easy manufacture (finely ground bismuth filling a copper tube), which in the tube interior is where a substantial portion of the magnetic fluxes dwell that are generated by the cu/bi resonators Field Array.

D.C. bias current applied to all 3-phase conductors of the toroidal Field Array magnetizes the copper tubing (common electromagnetism) to cause a precession in the nuclear magnetic precession angle of the bismuth in the interior of the copper tubing.

Adjustment of the bias current, the B0 current of NMR jargon, is the tuning control handle to bring the NMR frequency to the natural frequency of the copper array element self-resonance.

An impulse current from a higher voltage source is periodically injected ahead of a blocking diode into The Field Array element, which diode conducts the lower voltage, blocking higher voltage from smoking the low-voltage power supply. —XenoEngineer: The newbie woodworker

The injected pulses are locked in a precision step-phase rotation sequence by the knot winding configuration of The Field Array.

The interconnection is termed 'Resonant X configuration' operating in logical parallel like three pairs of 2-input NAND gates would operate when each pair is connected as a logic flip-flop.

In this Res-X scheme, the flip-flops form a differential signal ring, where a signal travels the ring as an output state accompanied by an inverse state (Q and Q-not).

The 2-input logic-gates (active low) of the flip-flops are cross-connected with the outputs of the differential gate pair. The cross-connection is the 'X" seen on the electronic circuit schematic depicting a flip-flop, as illustrated.

The resonant-X configuration feeds current from a pull-up resistor through the feed-back loop, in a TTL configuration.

The differential set of six pull-up resistors, and the cross-over X conduction circuits, become the current-sink resistors for a high-power output of the inverting NAND gate output —sized up in current capacity and slew rate to enhanced GaN transistor dies mounted at the six power connections lugs of the hexagonal power feed to the Field Array donut.

The power-hexatron cross-over current is scaled up from milliamps, for the TTL implementation, to hundreds of amperes for the nucleosonic version.

  Quantum Emergence  — a time lens development KOS © 2023-24