Superluminal Quantum Plenum

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The zero point energies, quantum foam, quantum aether, etc.
Significance of the quantum plenum is superluminality, which by definition blends all locations into the topology of now into a dimension of everywherewhen.
Superluminal does not imply an infinite velocity, but the velocity of information within the plenum of information transfer would set the physical topology of the mind of a galaxy, or planetary system, or a pond. And talking simians, at times.  Not all simians, not all animals, are coherent with the galactic sapience.  Some flow in an ignorant bliss, yet few pattern their future toward the cosmic-level-plan of their resident spark of the galactic sapience —each our resident spirit having an Earth-experience.
Quantum Emergence Comics asserts that the Quantum plenum may be the acceptor of a/an harmonic accumulation, such that the fabric of space-time couples as a shared phase-space with the generating system.  This plenum technology of a macro quantum emergent field, not a primary energy, and is generated by a Field Array.  The emergent quantum resonance is a direct coupling into the information space of source mind.The literal signal of source mind in this reality is an artifact within the noise of everywherewhen within the whiteness of the quantum plenum.
This vehicle of plenum coupling is nucleosonic resonance.