Quantum Emergence.S-4

From Catcliffe Development
Revision as of 16:28, 22 September 2023 by XenoEngineer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Category:reference Category:S-4 Category:XenoEngineering The S-4 refers to a top-most, secret-most research and development facility operated by a staff of international military figures, and scientists. ===Comic reality, circa 1980s=== The <i>a posteriori</i> intellect on the development projects within the S-4 facility are expendable. Their projects are compartmentalized, and those exposed to sub-projects beyond comprehension are erased, electronic...")
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The S-4 refers to a top-most, secret-most research and development facility operated by a staff of international military figures, and scientists.  

Comic reality, circa 1980s

The a posteriori intellect on the development projects within the S-4 facility are expendable.

Their projects are compartmentalized, and those exposed to sub-projects beyond comprehension are erased, electronically.

The mind memories of the expendable fabricating technicians involved with project were erased.

This so called mind erasure is termed, 'dicing', and is information unavailable to any but those that remain un-diced with knowledge. Those individuals do not exist an any tangible form, while they mine the minds of the best minds within the vast international military intelligence community —and their contractors; the expendables.

In the context of XenoEngineering at groupKOS, the knowledge outside of project should not exist, except it leaked outside.

The project disclosed in 2013, which is all about XenoEngineering, subsists as a confabulation between an Earth-realm engineering facility and Star Mind.

Of the expendable contractors selected, at least one was befriended as a child by an orb of light —an ancient, hyperintelligent mind with the charge of human ascension of mind. The contractor called him Grey. Starmind, this 'Grey', shared with the contractor how to avoid mind erasure during the process of dicing, as the disclosure was told.

Grab your buckets! Catch the drips of information that leaked through into your now, into your perceptive envelope of mind.

An involved background of real events in the observable universe of XenoEngineer paints sense and purpose to a disclosure by a self-claimed psychic contractor utilized by the S-4 development.

If this level of nonsense to the mind of a trained physicists tweaks your ire, then go away now, for your sake. This rabbit hole goes much, much deeper. Prepare yourself.

What the S-4 did

was hire from among 300 project nominees, these three contractors, tested as best.  They were the best as realized as an RF engineer with telepathic abilities, the best psychic technicians.

Their project built, successfully a communication/experience portal — designed by Star Mind. The device they built was tuned by their minds to connect the human mind to an amplified version of the human's source signal of mind — Star Mind of the galactic sapience.

The device simply amplified the mind waves, as found, within the local temporal fabric of the universe.

The rub discovered by S-4 —we are celestial, us talking simians

The device amplifies the corporeal experience of awareness —which is what being a mind is actually doing while 'being.'  We are being aware.
The device amplifies the mind waves apparent within proximity.  The topological now is amplified.
The strongest signal within proximity is the single in the quantum energies of human mind, while human mind is within the magnetic near field of the device.
The Starmind interface, given to secretive clandestine humans, leaked out of their veil by a prior friendship orchestrated by StarMind, and that released only as a death-bed disclosure.
In comic irony, this 2013 Disclosure has developed in design principle (a comical disclosure reverse engineering process of a decade, circa 2023) is provided with plans for the device that creates said affordances. The device is a literal dimple in time —a spherical aberration in the flatness of the topological now.
The device is a dimple in the flatness of the rate things age at a quantum level inclusive of all cross-time forces.
The device reveals an amplified version of the mind in topological now.
The device reveals we are divine, hosting each the sapience of the galactic mind.  That celestial voice is still within, but paints a vivid future we have —for the making.
The mind of humanity becomes then a can-do community, unbound by social stigma of complex denials called humanity and culture, and enlivened into an are doing community of celestial outlook.  

Rabbit hole down

Your imagination is now hurled into a reality amplified by the device. "It feels like divinity is in the room," said the Discloser.

Not all feel divinity.  That is the rub.  There is within the mind of mankind, and within the beings of the talking simians, an element that will not couple harmonically into the amplified version of now, into an amplified awareness of the celestial being vectoring the interests of awareness.  Some loose acuity of awareness, with a sense of realm, location, and nothingness.

Late September, 2023

Dear future comprehender
Please send the energies we need to our present, your comical past. Perhaps we meet in your now for a big laugh!