Fibonacci Torus Knot Array

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Fibonacci Knots in CW NMR Scanner for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Scan (for a nucleo-phononic imprint in the spectral profile of system randomity)


Fibonacci Knots in a Continuous Wave (CW) NMR Scanner utilize copper tubing arranged in a Fibonacci knot configuration around a 'golden torus profile'. This design is employed to excite the nuclear magnetic resonance of a target material, typically placed inside the tubing.

CW Resonance Design

Unlike medical MRI techniques, this design focuses on optimal accumulative resonance. The detection of nuclear magnetic resonance is sensored by analyzing the spectral content of noise, particularly the edge jitter of an asynchronously operating ring oscillator that drives the knot winding segments.

Ring Oscillator and Edge Jitter Analysis

The system uses a ring oscillator to drive the magnetic ring's knot winding segments. This self-clocking oscillator is inherently sensitive to periodic noise within the system, crucial for resonance detection.

3-Phase Torus Knot Configuration with Bismuth

The prototype consists of a 3-phase group of 13:8 torus knot windings made from copper tubing, filled internally with bismuth as the NMR target material.

Electrical Energization and Spin-Precession Frequency Tuning

The array is electrically energized with DC current to set a desired nuclear spin-precession frequency. This process is similar to tuning a guitar string to a specific pitch and involves adjusting the current level of the DC power supply unit, known as the B0 flux current in NMR jargon.

Ring Amplifier and Magnetic Flux Motion

A crucial aspect of the system is the injection of higher voltage pulses, akin to the B1 flux current pulses in NMR terminology. These pulses are integral to the device's operation, as they create a toroidally rotating tangential motion of magnetic flux across the surface of the knot windings. This pattern train of B1 flux pulses is the activating mechanism the device is designed to implement. It sets a dynamic magnetic field in motion, crucial for the optimal functioning of the CW NMR scanner and the effective excitation of the nuclear magnetic resonance in the target material.

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